Brainspotting & EMDR Intensives

For Grad Students & Young Professionals in New York, Massachusetts, and Illinois.

Faster results for lasting change.

  • You had an overwhelming experience.  It was a lot to handle and it really has thrown you for a loop.  Your stress level is through the roof.  You can’t seem to relax or rest no matter how hard you try.  Your emotions turn quickly - one minute your anxiety is off the charts and the next you are snapping at your family or friends.

  • The worst part is you don’t feel like yourself. You want to have a calm and centered mind but you’re living moment to moment by reacting and not making careful, conscious decisions.  Your view of yourself has shifted. Suddenly you are unsure of yourself, questioning every move you make.  You don’t know where you belong or if you’re doing anything right.  It’s become a weight of uncertainty that you carry with you everywhere you go.

  • Your view of the world has changed too.  Instead of it being a place of possibility.  But lately systemic things like the country’s political divide, racism, patriarchy, and climate change have become deeply upsetting to you.  You don’t know how other people seem to move through life unaffected by these harsh realities.  For you, the world has become a painful place to exist.  

You’re feeling it…

You’re ready for change.

I see you.

  • Wanting relief from the weight, stress, and pressure you carry around

  • Wishing you could pause and really rest

  • Hoping there’s a way to feel like the real you again

  • Not wanting to feel like a burden or like you’re failing everyone

  • Truly ready for things to shift

A Brainspotting or EMDR Intensive can help .

What is a Brainspotting or EMDR intensive?

An EMDR Intensive is a powerful way to accelerate the therapy process.  Instead of going to therapy once a week, you can do a therapy intensive in a week.  Having longer intensive sessions that are dedicated to breaking through the barriers you face is so powerful.  With more uninterrupted processing time, you can make so much more progress than is possible in weekly therapy.  If you’re ready to feel like yourself again, say goodbye to intense feelings of stress and anxiety, and welcome more peace and balance into your life - then a Brainspotting or EMDR intensive may be for you!

How do Brainspotting and EMDR Intensives work?

90 Minute Pre-Intensive Session

We meet for an initial session to discuss your goals for the Brainspotting or EMDR Intensive.  I will ask some questions to get to know you and understand your story.  We talk about what’s going right in life at this moment and what you’d like to see change. 


Customized Client Workbook

I will create a workbook customized specifically to you based on your goals for the EMDR Intensive and on your history.  You can complete this workbook in preparation for the Intensive to get the very most out of the experience. 


Intensive Sessions

Intensive Sessions are 3 hours in length and are designed to help you go deeper and accelerate the healing process.  You can choose to schedule 3-6 intensive sessions.  I recommend no more than 3 intensive sessions per week.  Brainspotting and EMDR Intensives allow for a greater impact and transformation in your life.


60 Minute Post-Intensive Session

We will meet for a followup session to reflect on the shifts and changes that you have experienced.  We can check in on what work still needs to be done and discuss how to integrate the new insights and information into your life.  Together we will create a wellness plan for you moving forward.


Why do a Brainspotting or EMDR Intensive instead of traditional weekly therapy?

  • Faster results. You’re ready to make more progress in a shorter period of time

  • Save time. You prefer intensive therapy over several intensive days rather than committing to weekly therapy appointments

  • Save money. Intensives are cost-effective when you compare the cost of a weekly session over months vs. a 3-6 day intensive


3 Day Intensive 

Total Price: $2520


  • 90 min Pre-Intensive Interview

  • Personalized Workbook

  • 3 Days of Intensive Sessions (total of 9 hours)

  • 60 min Post-Intensive Interview

6 Day Intensive 

Total Price: $5040


  • 90 min Pre-Intensive Interview

  • Personalized Workbook

  • 6 Days of Intensive Sessions (total of 18 hours)

  • 60 min Post-Intensive Interview

You don’t have to wait around for things to change.


Frequently Asked Questions about Brainspotting & EMDR Intensives

  • Every person is different. During the initial consultation we can talk about your specific situation. Sometimes, one intensive session will be enough. More often, people benefit from multiple sessions. We are complex human beings and many things contribute to the cycles we get stuck in. I can help you decide what type of intensive is best for you.

  • The intensive can be customized specifically to you. Based on each person, I use a blend of EMDR, Brainspotting, EFT Tapping, Mindfulness, and Somatic activities. We can discuss what techniques are right for you.

  • Insurance companies do not cover Intensives. Intensives are a new format of therapy that is cutting edge and breaks the mold of traditional therapy. I am able to provide a superbill for you to submit to your insurance company for potential out of pocket reimbursement for a portion of the EMDR intensive. In order to provide a superbill, this requires me to provide a diagnosis which may impact insurance down the road.

  • Research on EMDR intensives is positive:

    • Intensive application of trauma-focused therapy seems to be well tolerated in patients with PTSD, enabling faster symptom reduction with similar, or even better, results, while reducing the risk that patients drop out prematurely. Learn more here and here.

    • Intensive EMDR treatment is feasible and is indicative of reliable improvement in PTSD symptoms in a very short time frame. Learn more here.

    • An intensive program using EMDR therapy is a potentially safe and effective treatment alternative for complex PTSD. Learn more here.

    • The economy is compelling: even compared to other trauma therapy, the intensive format may decrease treatment time, because of time not spent on a) checking in at the beginning of each session, b) addressing current crises and concerns, c) focusing on stabilizing and coping skills that the client won’t need after trauma healing, or d) assisting the client in regaining composure at the end of the session. Learn more here.

  • Yes, I am happy to connect with your therapist to create an intensive experience that is in line with your current therapy goals.

  • Yes, I offer adjunctive therapy. Let’s connect to determine what type of intensive is right for your patient. I offer 3-6 day intensives, after which your patient will return to you for ongoing regular therapy.

  • A 50% non-refundable deposit is due at the time of booking your intensive and the remaining 50% is due 1 week before the intensive.

  • There is a 2 week cancellation policy: Any cancellation within 2 weeks of the Pre-Intensive Interview will result in full charge of the intensive program.

More questions? Check out my FAQs page.