Brainspotting Consultation.

You want to grow and expand your skills as a brainspotting therapist.

Congratulations on completing your Brainspotting training! This is a major achievement, and you should be proud of taking that important step. But despite all the hours you’ve dedicated to training and practice, it’s natural to still feel a bit unsure or uncomfortable.

Brainspotting is a unique and powerful therapeutic approach, but starting to use it with clients can feel overwhelming. You might find yourself feeling confused or seeking reassurance that you’re “doing it right.” You’re committed to helping your clients heal deeply, and you want the confidence and support to bring Brainspotting from your training into real-life practice.

Hi, I’m Deanna.

I’m a certified Brainspotting therapist and Brainspotting Consultant in Training under the supportive guidance of Mariya Javed-Payne. I'm also a dog lover, yoga enthusiast, nature lover, wife, and spiritual human. I remember the excitement and overwhelm after completing my Brainspotting training—how it challenged everything I knew about being present with clients and the healing process. Seeking consultation and support helped me build my skills, become more comfortable using Brainspotting with clients, and gain confidence. My passion is to support and guide helping professionals in using Brainspotting confidently, through a holistic, empowered, and person-centered lens.

In addition to Brainspotting, I’m also a certified EMDR therapist and Consultant in Training. I enjoy teaching creative ways to integrate EMDR, Brainspotting, parts work, nature-based mindfulness, somatic movement, and meditation, tailored to each client’s unique needs. I’m dedicated to helping therapists discover creative solutions, expand their skills, and meet their clients where they are, holistically. My core value is fostering each therapist’s personal style while keeping our shared humanity at the forefront—ensuring that everyone feels respected and comfortable.


“I was stumped on a tough complex trauma client who was engaging in brainspotting intensive with me, and I reached out to Deanna for consultation. It was the best 30 minutes I could have spent. She was supportive, highlighted where I did well, and provided me with exact brainspotting strategies that helped my client be able to process their complex trauma more effectively in the next intensive. She was very knowledgeable! I would highly recommend her for brainspotting consultation. Thank you Deanna!”

- Victoria Valdez, LMFT

“Deanna is a delightful and compassionate therapist. Her extensive experience and training related to trauma is an amazing asset to all of her consultees.”

- Tatiana Taylor, LCSW

“Deanna provides a warm and supportive space to discuss my clinical process in building my skills. She is very open to new ideas I may have in that process. Deanna provides a problem solving space where I feel heard and validated in my experiences. She is terrific to work with!”

- Kelsey DePue, LMHC

“Deanna is the rare clinician who is authentically kind and can hold a supportive space for her clients, but she is also formidable knowledgeable and sharply intuitive. She is incredibly knowledgeable on various therapeutic modalities, effectively interweaving somatic techniques into her clinical approach. It is my highest priviledge to have met Deanna and I will always know her to be a remarkable person to have a lasting impression on everyone fortunate enough to work with her.”

-Megan Lee-Iguchi

Unlock the Power of Brainspotting with Compassionate Consultation

As a Brainspotting Consultant-in-Training, I am committed to being fully present, supportive and attuned during our consultation sessions. My core values include:

  • Highlighting Your Strengths: I provide guidance and support, focusing on your unique skills.

  • Honoring Your Intuition: Your experience and instincts are invaluable, and I respect and integrate them into our work.

  • Understanding Brainspotting Principles: I assist you in understanding the foundational concepts of Brainspotting.

  • Modeling Setups and Sessions: I demonstrate effective Brainspotting techniques, so you can confidently apply them in your practice.

Let's enhance your Brainspotting skills in a supportive environment.

Certifications & Trainings

  • Brainspotting Certified and Consultant-In-Training

  • EMDR Certified and Consultant-In-Training

  • Brainspotting Phases 1, 2, 4, and Masterclass

  • Ego States & Advanced Ego States, Robin Shapiro

  • Four Blinks Version of Flash, Thomas Zimmerman


  • Millennial Therapists & Other Helping Professionals

  • Graduate Students

  • High Achievers Dealing with Perfectionism

  • Highly Sensitive People

  • Burnout

Consultation can be a creative collaboration of the heart.


Frequently Asked Questions about Brainspotting Consultation

    • $120 for a 60-minute individual EMDR consultation

    • Completion of phase 1 and 2 brainspotting training

    • 6 hours of brainspotting consultation with a consultant or consultant-in-training

    • 50 hours of practice with brainspotting documented on a session form

    • Payment of $150 certification fee to Brainspotting Trainings LLC

    Please see the brainspotting website for further details

  • Please complete the contact form and I will get back to you within 72 business hours.