Hi, Im Deanna!

I help graduate students and young professionals who are busy and burned out to find balance and peace, so they can truly enjoy their lives.

You are not one to sit on the sidelines or wait for things to happen to you.  You are a go-getter.  You put effort and energy into everything you do…and it shows.  Some people might call you a high-achiever or a perfectionist, but you are just working hard to reach your goals.  It’s been working pretty well for you - until recently.  You are tired, forgetting things, running out of energy, and feeling less and less like yourself (and the person you want to be).  This isn’t how you want to show up in the world, you’re not sure what to do, but you’re ready for help.

You work really hard.

Somatic Therapy

I utilize evidence-based EMDR & Brainspotting techniques.  These therapies are researched and shown to be effective to help reduce the impact of stress & overwhelm.

I use somatic therapies and the mind-body connection to help you experience the deepest healing possible.

Mind + Body Connection

The mind-body connection is vital for increasing peace & stability.  I teach mindfulness meditation, somatic movement, and breathing techniques.

I believe the brain has a natural capacity for healing and that EMDR and brainspotting tap into this healing energy. I have been in your shoes, as a grad student and young professional finding my way.  EMDR and Brainspotting have personally helped me in my healing journey.

I absolutely love traveling and exploring different cultures throughout the world.  I am a huge foodie and love to try new cuisine.  My favorite is Vietnamese food.  I love connecting with nature, morning walks, yoga and meditation. I have two dogs that I absolutely adore. I love learning new therapy techniques and finding ways to best support those I serve. I feel so grateful to support people in their life journey.

More about me…

My approach to therapy

I can help you get to the root of the problem and see what’s really going on below the surface.  Often times we need to look deeper and together we can discover what’s keeping you stuck in this cycle of busyness and burnout.  Many times these cycles are rooted in our upbringing, painful past experiences, strong emotions, or deeply held beliefs.

When we heal from painful moments in our past, we feel more at peace, more free, and able to live a full and fulfilling life.

I can help you notice current triggers and become curious about how that may be connected to a painful experience in your past.  I set an intention to create a kind and supportive therapeutic environment where you can feel safe enough to be vulnerable and share the different pieces of your story.  This is absolutely essential before we can do the deep work. 

Along the way, I ask questions to help you dive deeper and gain new insights.  I act as your partner, allowing you to make choices about your healing journey and trust your intuition.  My approach is compassionate, collaborative, and goal oriented. I’m an encourager, supporter, and gentle guide.  I will help you to learn new skills including mindfulness meditation, somatic movement and breathing techniques to improve your life.  

I work well with folks who are…

  • Hard working & focused on goals

  • Experiencing exhaustion and need help to find balance again

  • Sensitive and often feel guilty for being “too much”

  • Are always helping and giving to others (maybe to a fault)

  • Lifelong learners, want to learn new skills and look below the surface

I’m not the therapist for you if…

  • You’re actively dealing with suicidal thoughts or self harm 

  • You need regular and ongoing crisis support

  • You don’t want to consider that your present situation may be connected to things in the past

  • You aren’t interested in learning new skills 

  • You prefer traditional talk therapy

My Training & Education

Education & Licensure

  • Master’s of Social Work from SUNY Albany

  •  Licensed Clinical Social Worker, New York 

  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Illinois

  • Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker, Massachusetts

Trainings & certifications

  • EMDRIA EMDR Certified Therapist

  • EMDRIA EMDR Consultant in Training

  • Brainspotting Certified Therapist

  • Brainspotting Consultant in Training

  • Advanced EMDR trainings: EMDR & Ego States Training, Four Blinks Flash Technique

  • Advanced Brainspotting trainings: Brainspotting Phase 1, 2, and 4

If we hide our emotions or push them away, they get stronger. 

But if we tune in and listen, they soften and we are able to do healing work.

It’s time to invite deeper healing into your life.