Online therapy for Graduate Students & Young Professionals in New York, Massachusetts, and Illinois.

Journey toward a more

peaceful and balanced life.

Let’s be honest.

You are really (REALLY) tired.  You’ve been juggling a lot of plates - maybe you were really amazing at this at first, but now your head is spinning and you’re waiting for the next thing to drop.  You are not feeling or looking your best these days.  You feel like you’ve been letting people down. Deep down you feel disappointed and wondering why things aren’t going as smoothly as you expected.  You really like when things go according to plan and right now it really does not feel that way..

  • You were so proud to begin your grad program - full of hope and determination. But as time has gone on, it has been a lot harder on you than what you expected. You’re so tired. You are constantly working (and overworking yourself). You push yourself hard to be your best. You skip lunch, stay up late or wake up early to get everything done. You’re skipping fun events or activities with friends. Forget about going to the gym or doing something special for yourself. You’ve been working yourself to the bone. You have no energy. And it’s starting to take a toll. You feel like a shell of the person you used to be.

  • You’ve arrived and have officially begun your career after years spent in education. Making the transition from academia to being full-time in the workforce has been harder than you expected. It should be exciting but the feelings of uncertainty have hit hard. You feel unprepared and concerned that you have gaps in your knowledge. Maybe you have more “book smarts” than practical experience. You’ve been questioning yourself and your abilities in this new space. You’ve got a heavy workload and a big influx of stress. There’s also a whole new ecosystem and culture in your workplace. You’ve been trying to figure out where you belong and navigate dynamics with co-workers. Add to that a supervisor who is busy and unable to give you all the support and feedback that you want. You’re constantly asking yourself, “Am I doing a good job?” It’s really stressful not to know for sure.

  • You’ve found your footing in your career and industry. You’re really proud of how far you’ve come and what you’ve accomplished. You’ve gotten recognition and you know you’re appreciated for what you have to offer. Now you’re taking your career to the next level: Going for a promotion, leading a new project or leading a team of people, instead of just being responsible for your own work. You’re surprised by how much this change is impacting you. Suddenly you are unsure of yourself and doubting your abilities. You’re learning new things and developing a new skill set. It’s confusing and you don’t feel as solid or successful as you used to - even though nothing about you has actually changed. You’re on a new growth curve and it’s harder than you expected it would be.

Maybe you’re…

  • Your thoughts are moving so fast - it’s hard to stay focused/level headed

  • You are totally depleted at the end of the day (and in the morning when you wake up)

  • You’re anxious and it’s keeping you from being able to rest, let alone enjoy life

  • You’re experiencing physical symptoms like headaches, tightness in your chest, and/or fatigue

  • You’re more emotional than normal - either tearful or irritated

  • You’re feeling really disappointed with yourself and not sure where to turn

Regardless of your exact situation, your head is spinning…

You’re tired of living like this and ready for change.

Hi, I’m Deanna.

I help grad students and young professionals who are busy and burnt out to find balance and peace, so they can truly enjoy life.  I use somatic based therapy techniques to move beyond talk therapy and get the root of what’s going on.  I know how hard it can be to juggle work, homelife, friends and fun.  I believe that many times we try to make improvements on the surface, but there’s something deeper that keeps us stuck.  I’m here to help you look back at your story in order to move forward toward the life you desire and deserve.

You want to feel more peace, connection, and joy in life. 

I want to help you get there.

EMDR Therapy and Brainspotting

Somatic therapy that works.

Are you ready to restore your energy, relieve feelings of burnout, and renew your sense of self?

Therapy Intensives

Faster results. Lasting change.

Are you dealing with an overwhelming experience that has deeply impacted you?

EMDR Consultation for Therapists

Heart-centered consultation.

For therapists who want to fine tune their skills in EMDR & Brainspotting.

I believe therapy should be simple.

  1. Connect

Start by scheduling a free consultation.  We can meet and talk about what’s happening in your life that you’re ready to see change.

2. Collaborate

Working together, we can get to the root of what’s going on to keep you stuck in patterns that are so hard to break. 

3. Change

You will see things begin to change in your life and celebrate - never have to look back on being busy, burnt out, and out of balance.

Say goodbye to the overwhelm of stressful days

say hello to more balance, peace, and joy.